
February 19, 2014

5 Ways to Cure Sore Muscles

Sore muscles are common after we try something new, do more repetitions or use heavier weight than normal. While it's good to switch it up and challenge ourselves, don't get discouraged by your aching muscles... they are getting stronger! And yet, how can we possibly Rock It again when our muscles are so tired? Today I'm spilling 5 tips to get you back in tip top shape... you might be surprised by numero uno...

  • Workout: Say what?! Yes, you read that right. Work it out, rock stars. When we exercise on our already sore muscles, our body releases the build up of lactic acid (which is causing our soreness)  and loosens the muscle. You may not be able to rock out at the same intensity that you're used to, and it might be pretty uncomfortable to get going. But, I promise, you'll be feeling much better post-workout.
  • Ice: While I'm not a huge fan of icing, studies have shown that icing immediately following a tough workout will restrict blood flow and inflammation. The words Ice + Bath aren't really your thing? That's ok, like our girl Selena Gomez (above), you can grab a couple ice packs instead.
  • Foam Roll and Massage: Known as Myofascial release, foam rolling and trigger point therapy help to release the soft tissue... a build up can cause stiff and sore muscles. Have you tried our tips for a DIY Massage? Highly recommend checking it out here.
  • Stretch: It's fairly common knowledge that stretching helps to increase flexibility and relieve sore muscles. But, make sure you're stretching after you workout (not before). It's important to have a proper cool down following your fitness routine. Even just a few minutes of stretching can make a world of difference. If you can't make time for a little stretching you'll have to make time for soreness.
Don't let a little soreness deter you from your workout goals. If you're feeling too sore to get back to the Rock It, try going for a walk. Make sure you continue to do something to keep you active and to keep your blood flowing. And remember, it's always hardest the first time around!

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