
May 20, 2014


Our secret to a lean and healthy body can be summed up in three words: ROCK IT GREEN! Healthy meals are a big part of it too, but fresh green juices and smoothies are key for maximizing nutrition and effortlessly maintaining that“rockin” body of yours. 

To help you get started on this incredible way of life we recommend kicking off with a ROCK IT JUICE (one day cleanse).

1. CLEAN GREEN JUICE: For ONE WEEK Replace breakfast and lunch with two to three clean green drinks. ROCK IT GREEN #1, 2 & 3. Also an energy-boosting green tea can also be consumed during that mid- afternoon slump (we love BIRD PICK’S/JASMINE GREEN TEA). “yummy”

Additionally, drink 10 cups of water each day. If you need a pick-me-up snack? Opt for an apple, banana, or a handful of raw almonds.

2. EXERCISE!!!!“ROCK IT FIT!” Drop the pounds and gain more energy.

Find what moves YOU! Remember you must work out for at least 30 minutes 4 x’s a week! Find a workout you enjoy and you may become addicted to this way of life. Yes, there's such thing as a "healthy addiction." Some of our favorite ROCK IT FIT workouts..


April 29, 2014

8 Reasons to try BARRE FLY

IT MAY LOOK LIKE BALLET, BUT IT'S NOT. Barre fitness classes are simply ballet-inspireied, incorporating a ballet barre and maybe some plies and pirouettes here and there into a cardio infused workout. Essentially, barre classes mix elements of Pilates, dance yoga and functional training, and the moves are choreographed to motivating music. In each energizing and targeted workout, you'll use the barre and exercise equipment such as mini-balls and small hand weights to sculpt, slim and stretch your entire body.

NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED.  Everyone has different starting points, strengths and challenges, and instructors recognize that. If you are worried about not having any dance training or fear you won't be able to 'get it' or keep yo, rest assured that instructors will guide you through the movements and offer helpful feedback without singling you out. Remember, each person can be challenged at their own level in class without affecting anyone else's workout. Always measure progress against yourself; not the person next to you.

YOU WILL BE WORKED FROM HEAD TO TOE!  After each satisfyingly exhausting class, your entire body will truly feel WORKED. You'll feel stretched, strengthened and invigorated. It truly does foster its own 'barre high.'

WORKS MUSCLES TO FAILURE. Barre's tiny motions, may reps, intentional squeezes and pulses (otherwise known as isometric moves) are designed to fatigue muscles to failure. Embrace the shaking as it's totally natural for your muscles to quiver uncontrollably -- it means you are exhausting that muscle and forcing it to tone.

MODIFICATIONS FOR EVERY AGE AND LEVEL. The beauty of barre class is that everyone works with small movements and can limit or expand their range of motion to suit their specific needs. Exercises can always be modified whether you're a beginner, pregnant or have an injury, but can also be amplified if you're advanced and looking for more of a challenge.

NEVER BORING, ALWAYS FUN. You'll find that the time spent in class passes very quickly due to the fast pace, variety of exercises, upbeat music to a LIVE DJ, ever-changing choreography and inspiring instructors. It's never the same class twice!

LOSE WEIGHT AND INCHES. Many of the workouts target the largest muscle groups in the body, like the thighs and flutes. The larger the muscle, the more calories burned! As you continue to attend class, you will build more lean muscle mass and raise your resting metabolic rate, which can help you to produce more energy and expend calories. Perhaps more important than actual weight loss, barre classes will help you drop a size by redistributing inches on your body -- making you appear (and feel) longer and leaner. If you pair barre workouts with a healthy diet, you will achieve even better results.

RAPID RESULTS. You, you will be sore after the first few classes, but you'll also see some major results in little time -- so stick with it! If you perform a barre workout 2-4 times weekly, you will typically notice changes in as little as one month. Changes may include an improved posture, thinner thighs, chiseled arms, a sculpted back, flat abs and a lifted seat. Barre classes are incredibly effective at transforming so-called 'problem' areas, especially for women.

March 6, 2014

Special Guest Trainer TERESA SEYMOUR

Rock It Workouts is thrilled to have the pleasure of hosting star trainer Teresa Seymour, and  trust me when I say you won't want to miss this! Teresa is a Group Fitness instructor and Master Trainer for Turbo Kickboxing, PiYo Strength, Hip Hop Hustle, and INSANITY.  In addition to teaching and training others to teach these incredible formats, she holds 2 Nationally recognized certifications and 3 other format certifications. Besides being a fitness and health enthusiast, she is also a mom to 3 AMAZING kids who keep her on her toes and laughing everyday. 

Come and Rock It with Teresa this 
FRIDAY 3/7 and MONDAY 3/10 at 9:30am!